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© Brian Klinkenberg     (Photo ID #125994)


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Distribution of Thermobia domestica in British Columbia in British Columbia


The Firebrat is a small species of insect that is considered a pest species. It is a small hexapod species that is similar in appearance to the Silverfish: both are in the insect order Thysanura (Wikipedia 2018). They have thick bodies and are wingless, and are found around the world. (Brittanica 2018). They like humidity and high temperatures. You can find them, for example, in boiler rooms and near furnaces, and in the insulation around hot water pipes. (Wikipedia 2018). The feed on carbohydrates and starches, including book bindings. They are often found indoors, but also outdoors. This pest species can damage fabrics and stored food (Brittanica 2018).

Note Author: Rose Klinkenberg

Status Information

Origin StatusProvincial StatusBC List
(Red Blue List)

BC Ministry of Environment: BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer--the authoritative source for conservation information in British Columbia.

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Thermophila furnorum (Rovelli) 1889

General References